Golf Backswing With Best Golf Posture

Golf swing basics

Written By Shane Lyons

March 4, 2020

What is good posture? Hows does it impact my golf game and what can I do to improve it are all common questions asked of the golfer. To perform your optimal backswing, you should focus on obtaining the proper golf posture. In general, having the proper posture requires standing upright with a relatively straight, neutral back with slightly bent, flexed and relaxed knees.

The bend should be from the hips NOT the back. By standing in this posture this will automatically push the golfer’s weight towards the balls of their feet. You should use the big muscles of your legs and trunk to move the little muscles of your arms and hands. The golf backswing is a fundamental swing requiring optimal posture in fact the best golf posture and spinal rotation from the golfer’s body.

Some of the by-products of faulty golf posture include

  • Limited coil action
  • Altered swing plane mechanics
  • Disrupted swing plane
  • Disrupted swing arc
  • Inconsistent shots
  • Unwanted back, shoulder, wrist pain

perfect golf swing

Golf backswing:

The backswing path is the direction of the clubhead moving right or left at impact and it can be measured relative to the target line.

To find the correct path for the golf backswing, focus on rotating hips with your core muscles engaged to protect your back.


Left-arm is kept straight with eyes focused on the target and keep hips within the box so to minimize lateral sway.

During the backswing, the weight transfers towards the back, right foot until full extension is executed, followed by the strike! Every golfer’s club path can be divided into three categories. These are square, inside to outside and outside to inside which is also called over the top. With the help of a path, the clubhead finds the direction from which we start our shot. If a club starts traveling from inside to outside, then the line will start from the right side of the ball for the right-handed golfers.


Golf backswing stages: perfect golf posture

Various stages of your golf backswing aid in the optimal golf swing, some of them are discussed below:

  • The first stage is your left arm should be straight throughout the backswing and you shouldn’t let your left elbow bend during your backswing.
  • Your left heel should remain on the ground. Some of the beginners lift their heel to generate more speed in downswing. But this is unadvisable for the golfer.
  • Your right knee retains some flex.
  • Your left knee points at the ball during the backswing. In the backswing, most of your weight is towards the right knee and your left knee should not be moving.

More golf backswing stages…

  • Your hips should rotate during the backswing for coiling effect and to prevent swinging only with your arms.
  • Your hips should remain in the box.
  • Your head should also remain in the specific box throughout the backswing.
  • Your weight should transfer to your right foot during backswing.
  • Your backswing should be slower than your downswing.

Golf BackswingGolf backswing plane:

Professional and amateur golfers consider the golf backswing one of the most important factors in golf which is directly related to how high, straight and how far one can hit the ball.

The backswing plane can be defined as the vertical angle of the plane relative to the horizon defined by the club head’s center of gravity movement before impacting the golf ball.


Your club and your right arm should be aligned for the best position and conversely your left arm if left left-handed and at an angle that points in a straight path back toward an area just outside the golf ball. The best swing plane in golf is typically between 45 to 50 degrees

Golf swing tips:

golf backswingThere are many golf swing tips which can help you to become a better golf player.

To become a good golfer, you need consistency and practice with focus on the following elements mentioned below:

  • You should improve your golf grip for straighter shots. Because this is the only thing that connects the club to the whole golf swing.


  • You should master your golf stance and posture for a better strike. You need to maintain stability and balance until you hit the ball.


  • You must hit down on your iron shots to loft the ball up. Golf irons are designed in such a way so that they can be used in this way by striking down and let the loft on the golf club help the ball up into the air.


  • There is a difference between swing faults and characterizes.


  • You must understand the impact factors which include swing path and angle of attack.


  • You should stand straight, but bent slightly from the hips with soft, flexed knees for the setup.


  • Your left arm and shoulder should move together, maintain a line in between left arm and shaft, keep right leg flex and keep your elbows together for takeaway.


  • Your left knee should collapse but stay within the box, keep your arm straight and keep your grip pressure constant for the backswing.


  • You should keep your head still, and avoid horizontal or vertical movement of the head.


  • Your shoulder slightly open, right knee kicked in and weight on the left knee for the impact.


Golf Swing TipsGolf backswing takeaway:

The takeaway of golf backswing is that the first two feet of the take away is crucial. They shouldn’t move very fast or very slow.

The left arm and shoulder should move together. There should be a limit in moving your wrists.


If your wrist moves more then it causes disruption in the swing and a faulty shot. You should make sure that your left arm and shoulders maintain a line with the shaft.

You should keep your elbows together and keep your right leg flexible. It should be flexed because during the backswing it causes an increase in your hip movement. Your hands should be in front of your chest. Your shaft should be pointed toward the target during the takeaway.


Golf Swing Basics

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