Golf Posture
Win Games with Perfect Golf Posture Guide and Tips
Golf posture is the most fundamental skill when it comes to a consistent, accurate golf swing, yet often overlooked.
This one skill of the optimal golf swing, is really just a sequence of co-ordinated, balanced muscles that move dynamically.
The good news is it can be achieved in deceptively simple movement patterns that anyone can master, and is the difference between an average game of golf and the best game of your life!
Bad golf posture reveals itself in many ways. Golf slice, fat shot, limited golf backswing, loss of power and distance.
If you recognize any of these swing faults, chances are that your golf posture is to blame.
Good Golf Posture
= Better Golf Swing
When a Golfer possesses a good postural alignment, his or her body will hold optimal rotational axis, rotating much more efficiently.
To illustrate this point, imagine your body as a top. If your postural alignment is poor, your rotational energy is expended in all directions, resulting in the dissipation of energy through a constantly changing axis of rotation.
This sort of spinal alignment results in poor shot consistency.

Golf Swing Basics
Best Golf Posture utilizes an unconventional approach to achieve perfect golf posture with effective golf conditioning and training.
We center all our golf conditioning solutions on the golfer rather than the club that the golfer wields.
Our solutions help unleash your body’s full golfing potential by providing the best golf posture exercises and correct golf posture drills.
With our understanding of golf swing mechanics, and how a body’s posture and muscle balance – and imbalance – are all related when it comes to your best golf performance. We understand optimal posture is critical to maintaining a consistent and accurate golf swing!
Many coaching programs in the market only mask the underlying issues related to an incorrect golf posture.
In contrast, our solutions precisely address such problems and provide you with the best golf posture tips with a range of different techniques for actually rectifying poor golf posture.
These solutions will also help prevent you putting excessive strain on your back and shoulders that can lead to pain and injury.

30 Day Golf Posture Repair
Premium Golf Posture Program

Poor Golf Swing Sequence Drives Back Pain
Research shows that 53% of male and 45% of female golfers suffer from back pain. They experience back pain because of poor technique; and poor technique is caused entirely by bad golf posture, which leads to decreased flexibility and mobility – a painful repeating cycle.
At we condition your body with correct golf posture drills in order to achieve the harmonious balance required for improved golf flexibility and mobility and a pain free golf game!
Perfect Golf Swing
A perfect golf posture results in increased flexibility and mobility, which eventually leads to your best golf performance. This fundamental philosophy is overlooked by many, but at Best Golf Posture we use specific, targeted, remedial and golf conditioning practices to teach you how to hit a golf ball with improved flexibility and mobility and create the perfect golf swing.
Golfers love golf, but the human body may not necessarily enjoy it too. You may experience chronic back pain, which can limit your golf swing. Walking may give you trouble with your hips and knees. These are all familiar problems experienced by golfers around the globe!

Benefits Of Improving Your Golf Posture Include…
Optimal Golf Posture
Improved Golf Backswing
More Power
Better Balance
More Consistency
Increased Confidence
Back Pain Releif
More Endurance
Perfect Golf Swing
Increased Stamina
Improved Golf Swing Mechanics
Better Golf Swing Plane
Check out our eBooks for more insights and details on the techniques and exercises outlined here.
Your Free Self-assessment Golf Posture Guide
Understand How Your Posture Is Affecting Your Game!
Golf Swing Tips
Our programs help reduce the impact that golf has on your body. Reducing the impact will eventually lessen fatigue, ensuring consistent performance throughout your round.
Amateur golfers reach approximately 90% of their peak muscle activity when driving the ball. This is the same intensity as trying to bench press a weight that could not be lifted more than four times.
Our recommended golf stretches and golf exercise tips are simple enough to practice easily at home to improve your golf swing and ultimately reduce the impact golf has on your body.
Our programs instil confidence in golfers by maintaining consistency through specific best golf posture exercises.
We offer convenient and effective golf exercises, you will be able to drive the ball further, improve your golf swing accuracy and increase chipping control, which will ultimately lead to improved putting and together lower your scores considerably.